Monday, April 11, 2011

Someday I'll laugh. Right?

Well it's that time of year again. The time when I am figuring out how much I'm spending on my Coachella weekend as I make my final preparations. The time when I am buying tickets to bridal showers and bachelorette parties for multiple brides-to-be. The time when I spend around $500 on tickets to return to my dear Alma mater where I'll be spending a weekend attempting to recreate college aka drink a lot of beer. The time when I realize I'm just digging my hole into Debtsville deeper and deeper. But it can't always be this way... right? Like someday I'll look back on my freakouts over spending money I don't have and just laugh... right? DEAR GOD THAT BETTER BE RIGHT.

On a related note - now accepting any and all suggestions for how to not spend any money in the next three days. Also accepting money for sexual favors! JUST KIDDING! BUT ALMOST NOT!

Also - you can tag this post WHITE PEOPLE PROBLEMS because I have NO business complaining. None. First of all, I do this to myself. Secondly, this is ridiculous. Thirdly, I am going to Coachella and to Middlebury - like I am spending money on FUN THINGS I WANT TO DO. So like, I'm an asshole.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now might be the time to reply to one of those emails from someone in Africa who has a $50 million dollar divorce settlement and is looking for a bank account to wire it to.