Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkey vs. David Duchovny vs. David Boreanaz vs. Tim Riggins vs. Seeley Booth

Thanksgiving is awesome. Really. Mostly because of the food. But also, it’s just such a great holiday. Okay, so the food has a LOT to do with that, but also, it’s just fantastic to get some downtime. I didn’t head back east this year, and had my third Turkey Day on the west coast, however this time around I did it right; cooking up a big feast with friends and family. So big in fact, that I was enjoying leftovers up until last night.

Beyond that, having a lot of time to lay low and do nothing was much needed. I spent lots of time playing with our dog, catching up on TV, getting lots of sleep, running down by the beach, running errands, and yes, eating lots of food.

I’d like to focus on one excellent part of our Thanksgiving dinner this year. And I’m not talking about the epic game of "Apples to Apples" that followed the meal. Before dessert, we all took our paper dessert plates (we were far too lazy to deal with dishes at this point) and on the back of them, drew pictures and wrote down what we are thankful for. Sure we’re all in our 20s and 30s, but there’s nothing like expressing what you're thankful for with a little arts and crafts.

So what am I thankful for? Besides my family and friends, my plate also included the following:

J. Crew

David Boreanaz


Manu Chao

And I think there were others but I don't remember them. These are the really important ones. Duh.

(My plate also included a poorly drawn turkey in the shape of my hand. I would say that I wish I had taken a photo, but it was a pretty embarrassing hand-turkey).

It’s worth noting that my brother was appalled David Boreanaz got a slot on that list, because not too long ago the only David I would have talked about would've been David Duchovny. Interestingly, this sparked a discussion about the staying power of Duchovny, who’s still killing it on Californication. But my roommate Adubs made the valid point that Boreanaz has swiftly advanced his TV career from Buffy to Angel and now Bones.

This also reminds me of a recent chat I had with my roommates (okay when I say chat I mean frivolous discussion one Saturday after watching lots of TV while hungover), but here’s something to think about…

Tim Riggins vs. Seeley Booth

The general consensus was that we’d all want to have sex with Tim Riggins but Seeley Booth is the marrying kind. However, this is an excellent topic for debate. And to all the FNL and Bones fans out there, I implore you to ponder these two fine male specimen and get back to me with your opinion.

Huh, this post started out with Thanksgiving and ended up with me contemplating who I’d rather be with between two fictional TV characters.

I need to get out more.

(Okay so I really just wanted an excuse to search for pictures of man candy. What do you expect? It's the Monday after a holiday!)

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I wish my Thanksgiving had been as interesting as yours. Turkey, David Boreanaz AND Seeley Booth! M'mmmm. Sounds delicious!