Last night I had the good fortune of attending a SAG panel for the fantastic USA show White Collar. I had only watched the first few episodes of the show, but they screened the mid-season finale before the cast came out and I was reminded of how great a show it really is. On a side note - USA has really stepped it up with their programming recently. Sister network NBC could learn a thing or two...
First of all, that cast is DELIGHTFUL. Not only are they all attractive (yes, Willie Garson, in his own fabulous way!) but Tiffani Thiessen (or as the 12-year-old in me kept screaming, "KELLY KAPOWSKI!!!") had the most lovely pregnancy glow and was seriously just adorable.
As opposed to other panels I've attended, this show was for SAG members exclusively (and those who somehow manage to work their way into such events, aka me), and so the conversation after the screening was a very interesting reflection on acting, auditioning, and the entire profession. And you know something? Acting is NOT easy. Acting is NOT stable. Holy crap the last thing I would ever WANT to be is an actor. Seriously. Matt Bomer, Tim DeKay, Thiessen and Garson all offered some really great insight on their careers, both the good and bad times - and shared some lovely anecdotes. (My favorite was probably Garson's story about filming his first scene on Sex and the City and hearing Darren Starr scream at him "GAYER! Play him GAYER!" Or maybe DeKay cracking up as he mentioned how he was glad he was no longer on an HBO show where he had to simulate masturbation, a la Tell Me You Love Me). These were four talented people, all who've had long careers and were grateful for now finding themselves on such a great show that's really gelled. They also acknowledged the show's excellent tone and writing, adding that television really is a writer's medium, and actors are just the vessel through which a writer's words come to life. That really resonated with me.
The main takeaway - for the actors out there - would be that this is a difficult career path you've chosen, so be sure to enrich your life with other things, most importantly - a social life to keep you grounded. Actually, that's some good advice everyone can benefit from.
Lastly, Matt Bomer, the show's star, is insanely attractive. Hence me attempting to work in the terrible (and anatomically incorrect) pun "I've got a boner for Bomer!" at every chance I get. Seriously, though, that dude is FIIIIINE. And for that matter, so is DeKay. I mean, the cast just GLOWS with prettiness.

Still regretting that I did not bring either a jean jacket or hair crimper for Ms. Theissen to autograph... Because, I mean... KELLY KAPOWSKI!
Love the show; cast is great and Mr. Bomer truly shines!
I agree--I love this show. All of the actors and their chemistry together. And yes-Matt is gorgeous! And that just makes the whole show that much nicer :)
It would be nice if this show was recognized at Emmy time. I also think the writers and Matt Bomer have created one of the best new characters on tv - Neal Caffrey. I could not imagine anyone else playing the role - its fits him like a glove.
Being in a room with Bomer and DeKay at the same time is like taking energy, bottling it and then popping the cork. I wish they'd do stand-up comedy during their time off from shooting White Collar. Maybe just one night ... maybe a charity thing ... maybe they could just sing together. At any rate, it would be pretty (awesome :)
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