Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thieves in the Night

Sometime between the hours of 4:30pm Monday and 8:20pm Tuesday the following things were stolen from my car (which I might add, was safe and sound in the parking garage underneath my apartment building):

my GPS
my iPod
my massive CD case
my iPod charger

So it sounds like some asshole is off on an epic road trip somewhere listening to my sick tunes.

Speaking of sick tunes? I hope you enjoy musical soundtracks, bad rap, and mix CDs from the late 90s to early 2000s because that's what you're going to find in the CD case. DICK.

The only upside here is that I just bought a new iPod. I am sad about the GPS - I had named him Giles. He served me well.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

So sorry to here that - Giles is an awesome name for a GPS. I named my media server giles, you know cos he takes care of the library :D