Tuesday, April 05, 2011

I'm totally the WORST

Okay. I'm not TOTALLY the worst but I've been super neglectful of the blog and it's NOT because I've been reading Sweet Valley Confidential for a week (when I actually sit down to it I imagine that book will take me, like, an hour to get through - it's really poorly written but WHATEVER). I've just been super duper busy you guys. Like so busy that for the first time in I don't know when I didn't do ANYTHING this weekend - like no writing, no job-related stuff, no nothing. It was delightful. But then yesterday came along and I freaked out because I felt like I wasn't doing ANYTHING.  So now I am back to planning the 900 things I am going to be doing over the next few weeks. But most of that revolves around COACHELLA.

Which is why I have feathers in my hair.

Have I mentioned that? If you follow me on Twitter (which, frankly, is where the goods are at these days) then you are well aware. If no, then yes, I have feather hair extensions.

I'm wearing a swimsuit, okay? And try to spot the feathers - there are three of them.

You guys Coachella is like that one weekend of the year where I can just let my freak flag fly to the extreme which means I just want to be barefoot and dance in the grass and wear feathers in my hair and go totally OFF THE GRID for like 5 days. And it's less than two weeks away. HOLY HOTCAKES I AM EXCITED.

Oh yeah but the point of all this was that I'm going to be pretty shitty about blogging with Coachella coming up and me getting my busy thang on. And also because the site is going to be redesigned (VERY EXCITING!) but that's moving slowly because, well, it's me...

In the meantime, remember to follow the Twitter and even the Tumblr and I'll pop in here with anything REALLY important. Cool? Cool.

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