Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I've Never Felt Prouder to be an American

Right now, I love freedom. And liberty. And democracy. And all the people who voted and restored my faith in this country. I am really excited for President Obama.

So where was I when it all went down? Thanks to some issues with "crowd control" and an eager beaver fire marshal, we couldn't get into that Obama party at the Century Plaza Hotel. Instead, I bumped into a co-worker, with some other assistants I didn't know, and DiTonto and I followed them to the lovely Pink Taco, a hilariously named bar/restuarant nearby. The moment our new president was announced? DiTonto had another flip-out moment, while I just burst into tears. It was surreal. It still is. It's historical and incredible and utter happiness. His speech was inspiring and exceed expectations.

I also feel as though the perception of our country around the world is going to change, and that is heartwarming. I love reading about global leaders' reactions. Some more than others:

Perhaps one of the most poignant accolades came from Nelson
, South Africa’s former president, who said in a letter to Mr. Obama:
“Your victory has demonstrated that no person anywhere in the world should not
dare to dream of wanting to change the world for a better place.”

From the NYTimes.

And in other Election Night recaps, I just can't NOT say anything about that weird sci-fi moment on CNN last night. You know what I am talking about. Yes, my favorite part of CNN's election coverage had to have been the hologram. I mean really? A HOLOGRAM? Check out this Star Wars brilliance:

Help us Barack Obama, you're our only hope.

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