Friday, May 22, 2009

Tucker Blair (another reason I love Twitter)

So earlier this morning I was commenting on my Twitter feed about my outfit today, one that is essentially a variation of what I've worn for about 2o years of my life, but only appropriate at my current job on a causal day (which, being the day before a holiday weekend, today is). I guess one of the words I used in that particular "tweet" was picked up by this company Tucker Blair (I am guessing it could have been "topsiders" "Vineyard Vines" or "polo") and now the company is following me on Twitter... and so I checked out the site to discover Tucker Blair sells all those needlepoint accessories I used to LOVE. My aunt actually makes them, and they usually have family members' initials on them (I need to put in a request, now that I think of it), but what I love about Tucker Blair, besides the "key fobs" (I am going to buy one I've decided... leaning towards the sailboats, shown below) is the mission statement, which is completely un-ironic and therefore amazing:

"Have you ever sat down at your desk in some anonymous, beige office building, sifting through Excel spreadsheets and realizing that you’d give just about anything to be on the Cape with a beer and a pair of Croakies? Yeah, so have I. Not long after graduating from Colgate, corporate America got real old, real quick. So I set out in 2007 to create a line of needlepoint products that would be second to none in quality, while not breaking the bank. My friends and I always loved wearing fun whimsical needlepoint belts, but the cost was always prohibitive, and I knew that paying retail just meant we were putting more money in a store’s coffers. "

It goes on. Seriously. For several paragraphs. It's really worth the read.

(Also, I find him attractive. Yep, that preppy asshole look? Totally my type. Nantucket red pants? Sign me up.)

I am sure some of you might be asking, "is this guy for real?" To which, I respond, yes, yes he is, and I went to college with about 500 variations of Mr. Llewellyn and I LOVE HIM. And I love this company. If anything, the LA ironic hipster scene has made me more nostalgic for the completely un-ironic, sincere WASP New England look that I so miss. Now how about that key fob?

Hey, at least I can laugh at the silliness of it all, right? I'm completely self aware... I guess (no, I seriously want that). But anyway, thank you Twitter, for not only giving me the outlet to wax poetic about my androgynous clothing selections on "casual workdays" but for bringing companies like Tucker Blair into my life.


Steve Stevenson said...

The original designs and higher quality belts can be found here: Tucker Blair offers knock offs

/// said...

Steve Stevenson, you're a douche. Have you seen the Tucker Blair flip flops? You seem to think smathers and branson are the wright brothers of needlepoint... I've been rocking Tucker Blair since it came out(wearing my golf belt right now), and it's awesome stuff. Plus, the flip flops are insanely nice... and I don't know of anybody else making those.! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!