Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Oh yeah. This blog.

I realized just now I've been MIA on Jaw Wired Shut since I wrote about my new jobby. SORRY YOU GUYS. THE FOUR OF YOU WHO CARE.

You should know that when I am not here I am just blowing shit up on Tumblr and Twitter and if I had access to real fireworks I would blow up so much real shit it's not even funny.

Oh and yeah you get the whole "new job so I'm busy as bonkers" thing, right?

I'm still in the process of figuring out how I am going to move/combine all my stuff or what purpose JWS is going to serve from heretoforehenceforth (like just TV stuff? Just stuff about ME? The random shit I post is kinda more up on Tumblr now... ugh it's SO HARD being a 21st Century Interwebby Girl you know? Just kidding someone punch me for saying that) and for you regular readers I do care about what you like to read here. SO TELL ME, DAMMIT! (For realz, leave a comment and tell me what you want more of/less of or if you, like me, have also hopped aboard the Tumblr train).

P.S. My goodbye letter from Le Old Job is up here.

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